If you really want to represent Europe, you could wear Lidl clothes:
Or just buy Adidas stuff I guess, whatever you prefer.
What is this based on? A lot of these are HQd and owned by American entities. I understand the intention, but in globalised world starting point of a brand is hardly relevant
Not just that but many are public companies with shareholders all around the world.
Decathlon use forced labour and children in order to increase their margins: https://disclose.ngo/en/article/decathlon-revelations-on-a-champion-of-exploitation
Gotta look at who owns the companies as well. A German company owned by a Swiss holding company that is 60% owned by BlackRock is still American.
I find it funny that New Yorker is not murican
York is not murican also.
All products made in China unfortunately.
Yep, and I’m not comfortable with promoting fast-fashion brands, as they are not sustainable.
That’s unfair, some are made in India. Must diversify.
The North Face / Patagonia will be the most difficult for me to avoid, do you have alternatives ?
Adidas is not really comparable to those brands
is it not just sport clothing brands?
These are trekking brands, while Adidas is more of a sports and streetwear brand. Trekking brands have many more constraints (durability, quality, ecology, …) that other brands don’t have.