
In matters fundamental to the security of the Republic of Poland, for many years, decades in fact, there has been a consensus in Poland. Today, although voices are becoming increasingly clear, in Europe, in the USA, and also in Poland, which may violate this consensus in Poland. Voices which, in the context of the Russian-Ukrainian war, lean towards (Vladimir) Putin and the Russian narrative. But there is still, in the Western world and certainly in Poland, a political margin. A large one, certainly dangerous considering the international context, but a margin nonetheless - he added.

A picture is being painted from which we cannot turn away just because it is not a picture that fully suits us. A picture of changes that are taking place in geopolitics. One of the fundamental principles of Polish security and a key element of the Polish consensus were two dimensions of security: a close alliance with the United States and a strong position in a possibly united Europe. It is not easy today to reconcile both of these obvious needs. But perhaps nowhere is it so clearly seen as in Warsaw that the security of Poland, Europe, the entire Western world, depends on the fact that regardless of turbulence, temporary destabilization, these two foundations will survive. And I have the right to believe that they will be strengthened in the near future - continued the Prime Minister.


Our attitude towards the NATOalliance , transatlantic relations, must remain unquestionable. The fact that our opinion on this issue is not changing does not mean that the world around us is not changing. Poland is not changing its opinion on the need to maintain the closest possible ties with the USA and the North Atlantic Treaty. And at the same time, we need to know what is happening at the moment. This correction concerns primarily the change in attitude towards the two warring parties, Ukraine and Russia. It is not our task to review, for satisfaction or good rhetoric, the moves of our greatest ally. Our task is to draw conclusions for our security from these moves and this change. This is a correction, but a deep one, visible to the naked eye - stated the Prime Minister.