What a wacky run I just had.

On floor 7 I got offered Rainbow, Doom and Gloom, or Equilibrium. My deck needed more offense so I went with the Rainbow although I definitely considered the Doom and Gloom. I even upgraded the Rainbow on the next floor although I didn’t know if that was the best choice.

Then on floor 14 I get offered another Rainbow. Do I need it? Probably not, but the other options weren’t great and I had just gotten a Defragment so a double Rainbow sounded fun.

When I got offered a third Rainbow after defeating Hexaghost at the end of Act 1, I laughed. But I didn’t want the Hyperbeam because my deck was entirely built around orbs, and whether or not the Machine Learning was the better choice the Rainbow seemed more fun.

After three Rainbows in Act 1, the RNG finally stopped offering me them…for the first half of Act 2. On floor 27 I get offered my fourth Rainbow. At this point I don’t even care what the other options are. If RNGesus wants me to have another Rainbow I’ll take another Rainbow.

So here I am, with a quadruple Rainbow deck. And…it’s actually pretty good. I need a little more card draw and energy generation but I get a Compile Driver, another TURBO, and a Fission so those problems are solved.

This was such a fun run. I had a ton of good luck—great maps and a bunch of card removal and card upgrade opportunities but damn, it was fun.