Sadly the only sun explosion I have time to stop and watch is Sol. So if Sol is exploding I’m down to watch otherwise I have work.
“For information, that’s my 8 minute notice, I quit”
“incidentally we all quit, as per my previous email RE: WE’RE ALL GOING TO DIE!!”
I have the unfortunate role of informing you that the Sun will not explode. It will, in fact, expand to become a red giant, swallowing the Earth or at least vaporizing it in the process, and will eventually shrink down to become a white dwarf.
So sadly there will be no super nova or massive explosion, but I’m sure it’ll be a pretty wild process to watch in about 5 billion years.
Come gather! Come gather! Let us morn earth with a traditional ballad.
Clickbait is clickbait.
Lmao at the exact date…
This was expected to happen within a certain range of time. If I remember the articles from last year it was after August but more likely to be September. Idk why I found it so funny that they just flat out said “Thursday the 27th”
It’s not going to be anything spectacular if you aren’t already familiar with that constellation so if you want to get the most out of this event, start looking for corona borealis so you can get used to what it currently looks like and then when the star goes nova you’ll be able to recognize that there’s a “new” star
Admittedly, I only posted this article because I thought it was cool.
No worries, it’s definitely something cool to look forward to seeing!
Not a puffy diddy reference.
I was expecting Ye.