Benutzen Sie bitte diesen Memefornat nicht, weil drake ein Huhrenson ist.
Say drake,
Die 20% waren zu erwarten. Durch covid wurde jeder 5te ein Arschloch. Stand schon fest also.
Deshalb eher auf diesen Großen Sieg freuen!
Auch wenn ich die Außenpolitik im Russlandukraine Krieg nicht ertrage ein super Ergebnis für eine Totgesagte Partei. Soziale Themen und viel Energie was zu verändern. Oder maximal aus der Opposition dagegen kacken.
Ich wünsche mir sehr, dass sich die soziale Lage in den nächsten vier Jahren verbessert. Dafür müssten aber auch SPD und Grüne aus dem Erfolg der Linken lernen und nicht weiter der CxU und AgD nach rechts hinterherlaufen.
Ich lass sehr mich gerne überraschen aber halte das für extrem unwahrscheinlich, wenn ich mir die derzeitige Vereinnahmung durch rechte Bullshit-Themen bei denen so anschaue …
Als hätte man nichts aus 50 Jahren Politikwissenschaft gelernt und immer verloren wenn man den rechten sich anbiedert. Ich bin immer wieder fassungslos dass die ernsthaft erstaunt sind wenn sie Punkte übernehmen und die Leute lieber zum Original gehen.
Aren’t Linke on the side with Putin?
No, that’s AfD. Linke are leftists, totally opposite of Putin
Other than doing what Putin wants them to do.
[citation needed]
You want a citation for Putin not wanting weapons shipped to Ukraine?
For disarming Europe in general?
For them bringing in Russia into a European defense pact (fucking uberlol)
For cutting Turkey out of their defense alliances?
Okay bud, here you go:
Yeah their Außenpolitik sucks, but they aren’t paid or controlled Putin freaks, that’s the AfD and the BSW.
they might not be controlled by Putin, but they might as well be. this only means that they’re having positions favorable to Putin voluntarily and out of conviction.
whatever their motive might be, in the end it amounts to the same thing that BSW and AfD want as well.
“They just do everything in terms of foreign policy that Putin wants them to do, but that doesn’t mean they do what the foreign dictator Putin wants?”
Do you hear yourself?
No, that’s not what I said. I don’t agree with their foreign policy, that being not wanting to give weapons to Ukraine or other countries, but their social policy is very progressive. Labeling them the effectively the same as BSW and AfD is just wrong.
no weapons for Ukraine
no Ukraine in NATO
no NATO in general
demilitarisation of Europe
I think Putin wants all if these too
No. Leftists are the most consistent against Putin. All parties have their co-opting agents, but the ratio and overall long term goals is what matters
This shouldn’t be needed to be repeated, we’re in a leftist social platform after all
Their policy on arms exports reads like an ambiguously phrased expression of misguided pacifism. They argue for negotiation and diplomacy, which isn’t itself a bad idea, but it requires forcing Putin to the negotiation table in the first place.
Given they also condemn Putin’s aggression, I don’t think they’re his friends, just naive when it comes to the reality of dealing with an autocratic imperialist whose legitimacy as ruler is founded in his appearance of strength.
When an entire group of political creatures act like they don’t understand basic human nature, it’s because they’re manipulating you.
They know. It’s their job to know. They keep their jobs by knowing.
Especially when it’s “socialists” acting like they don’t understand the goals of fascists.