Mac is good for audio production, but windows, linux, even bsd does many things better
Mac is good for audio production, but windows, linux, even bsd does many things better
That’s not exactly a safe, recommended or foolproof way. Adb carries a lot of risks
It requires an unlocked bootloader and an installed recovery
Anything is high end compared to my gtx 1650
Good examples are peazip, bowpad, jedit, invizible pro, spotube. I use all of these, and they are awesome
Discover got the Pop OS vibe. You want to remove a small app?how about to remove the entire desktop emviroment and system components? Y/N
You typically don’t need, and should not have access to the kernel, however, as there are custom kernels for android, it is possible. In fact, Android is far the best operating sytem ever created. Fast, highly secure, portable linux in your pocket, that is open-source, widely used, easy to use, and you can easily have full control over it, provided the hardware is allowing to unlock the bootloader
Mac is not great bc it is incredibly expensive and very restrictive, fully closed source. Most apps are paywalled too, you can barely do anything on a Mac if you are broke
Meanwhile i got an 1988 japanase source code to compile and work on windows 11 without any problem. I can even send it if you want to see. It was written by prof emeritus Haruhiko Okamura in 1988.
How she will install anything then
Android hate not tolerated. Android can delete system apps, if you aee root. On linux you can"t install or uninstall anything if you are not root
Depends on your workload. If you watch movies and game, ultrawide. If you do streaming or web development, dual monitor is like a must. Oled and hdr are also supported, stable on kde and gnome, experimental on xfce. Dual monitor is supported by these, plus cinnamon, mate, lxqt, budgie, pantheon and many window managers. I myself use a 15" laptop bc im poor
Not necessarily far right, but that implies they might be far right. i think if someone is cis female, her, if cis male then he, if other, they (unless something else is explicitly stated). I don’t think it really hurts anyone to call them the way they wish, but rightists usually do
Just like what a rightist would say. Also 2 “people” downvoting my comment is wild
Gecko has almost as big share
9070 is high-end
Not always. In fact, 90% of it is mostly nice
Hungarian language for example is completly genderless. 2 pronouns are used: ő (person, more intelligent animals), ez/az (depending on the first letter) (objects, less intelligent animals)
Reddit has much bigger problems, like unfair moderation, and a lot of creepy people
Yes, he is a legendary programmer, one of the most skilled and respected computer science professors in Japan. He wrote this software which is a cli compression tool in pure C