MDMA is better for that
MDMA is better for that
I don’t think most people really think a vacation home or single rental makes you a leech, but when your entire portfolio is single family 2-3 bedroom houses you’re kind of sucking the air out of the local market. I know in my city there are tons of “small landlords” with less than 30 houses, half of them don’t even live in the city but in ex-urbs an hour away. They don’t do anything for the neighborhoods and see their income stream as completely legitimate.
I’m not here to debate a bad faith troll Crab. It’s Saturday morning and I have a bunch of stuff to do.
Try not to put words in other peoples mouths, you’re smarter than that and can argue without misrepresenting what they said.
Of course there is, they’re a bunch of milquetoast centrsts more interested helping themselves than regular people.
The other commenter never implied they were perfect as you interpreted it.
Seems you have a reading problem Crab, I didn’t see them say that at all.
If it wasn’t mRNA it would’ve been something else. They gotta have a wedge issue to turn people against each other.
The skepticism was mostly based on propaganda, misinformation, and ignorance.
I kind of wonder where people work that IT doesn’t block a handful of legitimate sites.
IME that whole “rebuild the temple mount” isn’t even uncommon amongst Christians.
They truly believe the third temple should be build where the dome of the rock sits, and if WWIII is the price that has to be paid, fuck it there’s salvation in the afterlife.
It isn’t going to be some cosplaytriot with a flag on their F150 rocking Amazon body armor that’s for sure.
Yeah but healthcare, mail, and transportation are things people need to survive. That’s means you can jack that price up all you want and the customer can’t do anything about it. Infinite money baby!
I’m not sure they’ve thought past step 1 honestly.
They probably really think they can run it better.
“We have these delicious carrots.”
Shit like the other comment is why the left will never win in the US. They don’t care about your point or even progressing the conversation.
As long as they get their little point they don’t care. They got to “ackshually” on the internet and that hit of dopamine is good enough.
Delicious bee puke, i can’t wait to do a line of roachmilk.
Look at this guy with his Mewtwo.
The only people who think sex work isn’t work are terrible at sex.
Hyperbole much? I like Steam as much as the next guy but lets not pretend the guy that owns 6 yachts is a good person just because he’s better than the next worst. Steam DRMs the shit out of games sold on their platform and if you’re an indie dev that wants to sell your game Steam is THE place to do it.
Steam made $10bn last year, they have about 100 employees (their parent company Valve has about 400). I used to be a bigger fan of GabeN but more recently really started considering him and looking into it and realized he’s just another unethical billionaire. This video by Coffeezilla is a good jumping off point. regarding the intentional targeting of youth with addictive gambling mechanics in loot crates and circumventing gambling laws. It’s all very purposeful and continues to this day.