we’ve only just started our 3rd month into fascism, and have already gone full-blown 1984. of course no one will deduce the only plausible inevitable end point to all of this, and in fact will continue unto death saying “hOw DiD tHiS hApPeN?!”
we’ve only just started our 3rd month into fascism, and have already gone full-blown 1984. of course no one will deduce the only plausible inevitable end point to all of this, and in fact will continue unto death saying “hOw DiD tHiS hApPeN?!”
do yourself a favor, take a week off (at least) from the news. you can safely assume it’s going to be bad and there’s nothing being done about it, but you’ll notice an improvement in your mental health. nothing in the world changes when you stop doomscrolling, only changes in yourself
hilarious that this country idolizes “rugged individualism,” yet is full of fucking sheep who can’t stand the thought of doing something if it isn’t already being done by just about everyone else
people just couldn’t fucking live life without feeding their addiction to fake likes and fake validation and fake popularity from their fake friends on fucking twitter
there never was a valid defense of staying on twitter, but even now people are trying to justify it.
fucking pathetic
“stop paying attention to your perpetually shitty wages and start hating on the mexicans and drag queens who never did a single fucking thing to affect your life!”
i fucking hate being trapped in jesusland
Still, Graugnard said he does not regret voting for Trump.
it’s absolutely fucking mind boggling to me that these people who can’t stop perpetually whining about drag queens and immigrants can’t even admit they fucked up voting for the people who literally wrecked their life plans
republicans are so fucking stupid
the “context” of the quote sounds like a bunch of doublespeak bullshit, attempting to dress up the core message as a “nuanced” not-so-reprehensible mindset.
excuse me, but fuck that shit. “The fundamental weakness of Western civilization is empathy” is plenty enough to judge by, without wasting time analyzing “context”
i’m in america and i’ve had to intentionally avoid it for my mental health. and no, there aren’t many places you can go to get away from it. i just drastically reduced my daily internetting time, but whenever i take a peek–yup, american bullshit front and center
the “can’t live without a phone” culture/mindset is intentional of course, to harvest your data and spy on you
currently looking to replace my smartphone with a dumb one, but there are a lot of things i have to find solutions for like MFAs etc–things that require my own research into what can reasonably be considered trustworthy
you can either believe trump, or literally anyone else. not both
everyone is free to play whatever they want, but everyone is also free to call your opinion dumb. which it is.
aka people who couldn’t stop whining about young people if their life depended on it accusing young people of being “ageist”
lindsey gram can eat so much fucking shit. gotta be one of the most egregious examples of a high pressure firehose of bullshit spewing in any country’s history. even trump’s 180s are kindergarten tier by comparison