Still nonexistant ):
Still nonexistant ):
I still buy my music song by song from iTunes (I haven’t done it since before the drumpfster came to power), I don’t rent my music.
I need to see the regulations before I make a prediction.
And this is why the EU should have ignored the US when they whined that our Gallileo system used different frequencies from GPS.
As it stands now Gallileo was built to using frequencies that the US can jam using GPS.
With this regime it kinda feels like they will replace the offices with an EPOS terminal where you can pay for services, but only get a reciept with “HAHAHAHA” printed on it.
As a human being, absolutely, but as a diplomat it isn’t as easy.
You need to expect that your life/carreer will be over if you go off script for too long.
Not everyone can be a Raoul Wallenberg, in the past it seems like it was easier as nations was less interconnected and less dependent.
Ok, so there seems to be some confusion about diplomats and their roles.
A diplomat is a representative for a country and it’s government, this means that what they say can and should be taken as the will of the nation they represent.
This in turn means that while serving as a diplomat you can’t really express your own opinion about any political subject.
Diplomats have immunity against legal punishments, this is needed as some nations may not like what a diplomat says as they represent another nation.
This means that the only real punishment a nation can give to another nation’s diplomats is declaring them “persona non grata”, sn unwanted person, this means that the diplomat is required to leave the country.
This is an extreme reaction and doesn’t happen a lot between western countries.
This is due to the follow on effects, expelling diplomats will often be followed by that country expelling your own diplomats, now, both countries are normally allowed to replace the diplomats, but it causes a big disruption to their work, and can ruin contact networks, in short it is a mess for both parties.
Now, a country can choose to remove their diplomats from a country themselves instead, this is a signal that what the diplomat did was not acceptable and should not be seen as representing them as a nation, this causes way less disruption.
So what happened here is that while what the diplomat said is true, it harmed the relationship between NZ and US.
Now, sometimes the relationship needs to be harmed, simply because other relationships are worth more to the country.
Diplomacy is the art of working together, especially in difficult times, sometimes diplomats can negotiate conditions that goes against the leadership of the nations, but if the end result is better, the nations can and often do allow those conditions to stand.
What I mean is that diplomats have the power to work around the system in some cases, but if you harm the relationship between nations that is less likely to happen.
What the diplomat said was true, but inconvenient.
Sounds like a great hobby, too bad it is illegal here in Sweden.
I have worn glasses since kindergarten, I don’t get why people dislike them so much that they rather shove plastic in to their eyes than wear glasses.
Glasses are fantastic, not only do they correct your vision, they also protect your eyes against rain, wind and dust.
/ussr = Union of Shared Socialist Resources
I don’t really see the benefit of allowing users to create files with the same name in the same directory, yeah, yeah I know that case sensitivity means that it isn’t same name, but imagine talking to a user, guiding them to open the file /tmp/doc/File and they open /tmp/doc/file instead
Meh, too late, I have already blocked them since before I heard about that shit