In some ways the WiiU was more powerful. For instance the Korok Forest area isn’t nearly as laggy on the WiiU. Also the WiiU was powering 2 screens at once.
The Switch is barely 5 years newer than the WiiU and uses a mobile chipset like a phone (an Nvidia Tegra specifically) where the WiiU used the same desktop class chipset that was in the Xbox 360 and PS3.
And it’s so annoying to hear the excuse “BEcaUsE tHe sWITCh iS aN UNDErpOWeRed SYsTEm” when the Switch’s launch title was Breath of the Wild.
I really hate the “it’s for kids” argument. Let alone the fact that adults play the games too. It’s for everyone.
Not only. BotW was a wiiu title too, so it had to be made considering the limits of wiiu!
In some ways the WiiU was more powerful. For instance the Korok Forest area isn’t nearly as laggy on the WiiU. Also the WiiU was powering 2 screens at once.
The Switch is barely 5 years newer than the WiiU and uses a mobile chipset like a phone (an Nvidia Tegra specifically) where the WiiU used the same desktop class chipset that was in the Xbox 360 and PS3.