This is cropped in a ways, the 16x9 version is on my Pixelfed page.
NGL I love how this came out
I captured this with my Lumix G9 with my 100-300mm lens (at 300mm) with a 1 second shutter speed.
This is cropped in a ways, the 16x9 version is on my Pixelfed page.
NGL I love how this came out
I captured this with my Lumix G9 with my 100-300mm lens (at 300mm) with a 1 second shutter speed.
Oh man, that’s so much worse! I’m so sorry!
My brother needed to only drive 15 min from his house to see the full eclipse last year, which I kept repeatedly telling him, but he figured he’d “see enough of it” at his place. It wasn’t the same at all.