Morning all! What are you good at? Do you have great skills at work? Have a good eye for fashion? Good mommy? Whatever it is, we want to know!
I am good at taking care of my dogs (and my past pets which includes cats), I love them very much and I’ve given them each a good life during their time with me. I am a good partner to my SO, I communicate with them (this took a lot of work to get better at) and am affectionate. I am good at listening to my friends and giving them support. I am good at computer-related things and like to tinker. I am good at styling my hair and applying eye makeup. I am good at sticking to a diet (lost 30 lbs, 15 lbs more to go).
I’m a good reader. I’m good at systems, I can take a group of disjointed processes and make them cohesive. I’m good at holding space for other people, I’m genuinely interested to hear how they view themselves and the world. Also, I think I’m pretty good at being funny, it’s a self-defense mechanism honed over years of masking adhd and anxiety lol
You sound like a really well rounded person with a good heart. You mention disjointed processes cohesion, can you give me an example?
I’m good at supporting people. I’m good at listening without judgement, getting people to open up to me, always being there and I keep people’s secrets. I’m a really good friend.