The handle tip is near the vanishing point created by the buildings. The mentioned vanishing point is shaped like an inverted triangle. It’s juxtaposed to the black triangle, atop one of the three tilting heads. A walking stick is located on the ground, touch it to regain before moving forward. Grab stick, move forward; A diagonal is moving to the right. Ponder a nonverbal cry of, I want the output. Touch the yellow rectangle with the walking stick?
What does this means?
the text reads
Man of Mata with OpenBlade stuck in their chest reaches towards METACITY. Fossangel stands by. Girl and Penguin watch him die.
so it’s a man of matacorp, the evil corporate entity that is controling the country, as i understand it.
The Handle looks like it’s Open Blade’s which is Girls Sword. So under that assumption she might have done it. The fact that Girl is there with open Blade means it plays long after the corpo-foss war
Also the City in the Background, Metacity, is kind of a Capitalist main hub, so it looks like they might do operation there hopefully?
Idk why Fossangel is there and Puffy isn’t tho.