They’re now projecting:
- Liberal majority with 61.4%
- Liberal minority with 32%
- Con majority with 1%
- Con minority with 5.5%
As exciting as it is to see that Canadians aren’t as stupid as our neighbours, this is only a poll. We have to vote, and vote like our country is at stake, because none of us want to be voting for a PRESIDENT in our next election.
I mean, i wouldnt be opposed to it; but only because I’m anti-monarchist, not because I want to be a yank.
How the fuck is there so much conservative support in this country? How did people get so fucking stupid?
Many swallow the same propaganda as south of the border. Around 40% of conservative voters could be considered MAGA supporters. It’s the other 60% who have to come to their senses and realize the PP is lying about his support for Canada. He is just a discount Trump populist.
Buddy, Canada is blue outside of cities. Not as stupid blue as rural US but blue nevertheless.
Provincially, Northern Ontario was mostly orange, it was the braindead cities that voted in Ford. Maybe federally is different.
And no, it is just as stupid as US conservatives - especially when the candidate is ready to fuck over healthcare and potentially sell us off to be the 51st state
More like most of the suburbs and small towns just outside larger cities did. Most large city centres all voted for either Lib or NDP.
Homie, ont is murica lite. Ppl unironically fighting for private health care here.
I’m still pissed about that. Like, how?! Dude has cost us so fucking much as it is. Then he goes and gives all adults a $200 cheque?!
For a party that loves to bitch about welfare and wasteful spending, those cheques should have killed the party’s chances - especially since the note that came with it mentioned the cheque was to help offset the expensive cost of living that was partially due to the federal carbon tax? The fucking tax that HE forced us into? And they STILL fucking won?
Maybe it’s high time we put will testing questions on ballots like we do on sweepstakes.
It’s mostly wealthy people that want private healthcare because they want to hoard the limited supply of doctors themselves for quicker response times and let all the poorer folk wait even longer to be seen.
Liberal majority with 61.4%
With this, the prospect of electoral reform seems bleak.
But it looks better than the alternative with 1% chance.
The best we’re going to get is ranked ballot. At the very least it would avoid vote splitting, so that’s a positive.
The shocking inability of left-wing parties worldwide to capitalize on literally anything is mystifying to me. How little that seems to trigger self-reflection is, sadly, not.
It’s far easier to get people on side with hate and rhetoric than being nice and public policy.
Scrapping the carbon tax was a great first step, but I’d love to see them take every single dollar assigned to F35 fighters and put it all into healthcare and healthy school meals for kids (see how Japan does it right).
So why is the left not pushing hate and rhetoric?
I don’t give a crap how they do it, I just care about them actually having some degree of policty control. It’s called politics, they should try it sometime.
It’s not like there aren’t left-friendly targets for hate, and yet left-wing parties have been remarkably incompetent at pushing the same demagoguery on billionaires or corporations than the right uses for migrants or trans people.
Once again, deflection instead of self-assessment. The dog ate my campaign strategy, apparently.
Hate is a pretty shallow thing.
I have no time at all for pushing hate agendas by any party. I don’t hate billionaires, corporations, police, politicians, or even trump and elon. I sure have contempt for them and would love them gone, but not hate.
But I don’t care about you. I care about winning elections.
You seem already convinced, which makes you irrelevant. It’s about building a mass movement that is zealously on board. Even if you were lost to the cause, that’d be a good move if ten people came in to replace you.
So what is it? Is hate “far easier to get people on side”, or is it a fruitless “shallow thing”? Either way it’s been incompetently mismanaged by leftist movements, with fascist extremists successfully leveraging it to excite and engage voters, and younger ones especially, while left-wing parties languish.
Just gonna block you. Don’t care for your attitude. Bye.
You can see people swapping from NDP to Liberal. Whats really interesting is how little Conservative voters are changing.