Can he not wear hats properly because of the hair implants or something?
Can he not wear hats properly because of the hair implants or something?
People need to stop thinking about property like it’s any other regular thing like a vehicle.
Land is not a thing it is a limited resource.
If someone owns a piece of land in a city it doesn’t matter what they are currently doing with it, even if they do nothing with it, that’s wasting potential that someone else could be doing with it and affects everyone around that piece of land.
It doesn’t make sense that cities need to increase property taxes every year though
Property tax revenue should be increasing every year by default without changing the rate simply because houses and properties increase in value every year typically
If property tax is 5% and the town makes $100,000,000, the next year if property value increases by 5% then their revenue goes up 5% as well to $105,000,000 automatically. Why do they need to also increase the tax to 6%?
It would only work if all the privateers get sent to one specific state like Texas and the two systems are kept completely separate.
Let everyone move to Texas and pay no taxes, but every hospital visit or doctors visit is paid out of pocket or by insurance companies, no one has social security or welfare, every road is a toll road, you pay a private fire fighter company a monthly fee to be on their protective detail, police are private security firms you also need to pay a fee for protection or to investigate any thefts from your property, there’s no mayor or other elected representative for their town because where does the money come from to pay them, the army is also a private security company, the list goes on
Yeah it’s not just made up by big business, it’s the same as when COVID hit.
"Oh, our product is going to be 20% more expensive due to supply chain disruptions… Might as well raise the price by 50% and pocket the rest while blaming it all on the supply chain.
Customers will be mad it’s going up by 20% so they won’t be any more mad if it goes up by 50% instead."
Do the eggs just go to waste then or do you need to eat a lot of extra eggs if you can’t sell them for $5/dozen?
Wouldn’t it make sense to lower the price to what people will pay even if it doesn’t cover the cost of the chickens, but at least reduce the cost of the chickens? If it’s not your main source of income and you have the chickens either way wouldn’t some money be better than no money?
He will probably still hire white people from there though
Why a goat? It’s an odd choice considering the association with Satan.
Maybe if they actually had good moderators to prevent that content getting upvoted in the first place…
China also doesn’t want to interrupt trade, it benefits them just as much as America, that’s how. They won’t invade Taiwan if there’s a threat of war disrupting trade.
If you isolate the country from China too much then there is no benefit to China not invading. Globalization encourages peace because trade benefits all. Russia is suffering from all their sanctions now, they made a mistake thinking things would be over in a few days and people would get over it. Now they need to grit their teeth and pull through it. No one else wants to be Russia.
I hate discord so much
I don’t think there is any way to bring back those jobs. You guys are dreaming if you think you can just go back to an economy of the past.
The world has globalized, America can’t just pretend it hasn’t. Sure you can try and bring everything in house but by alienating allies there are lots of things you just can’t get yourselves like many raw materials, and then you need to worry about exporting to actually bring money into your economy not just move it around in circles.
I literally cannot watch the man speak anymore. I gave up in like 2018 or something. It’s just the same incoherent misleading and nonsensical statements over and over. I can’t understand how anyone can watch it. Even reading what he says is difficult.
Anyone know how fox news is spinning it to the Maga folk? I can’t bring myself to look at the cancer.
Men have to learn that anger is also an emotion❤️
But what if they are a merchant