Yeah, but hold in your mind for a second how much windows 11 sucks, inject it with trillions of cancerous military industrial complex bloat dollars and top it with Stelantis touchscreen jeep ads and that will give you an idea of how much of a piece of shit the jet is.
Don’t get me wrong, along a lot of metrics it is a competitive advanced stealth-y fighter, but it is also just the most headachingly stupid overly wasteful arms project literally in history, ever.
The F35 is such a failure of wise resource allocation that no future military performance could possibly redeem it since that degree of stunningly large investment in virtually anything else would have yielded incomprehensibly more wealth, power and functional machines.
Every hour an F35 flys is so expensive it can’t do enough in that time to make the investment of resources to keep it from falling apart worth it. The mission has already failed by any reasonable metric the minute you turn the F35 on.
Many of us are not informed well enough to really understand if the negativity surrounding the F35 is accurate. There’s a lot of technicality and conflicting information and biases that a layperson kinda gets lost in it.
To be honest you paint a compelling picture and I’m inclined to believe it, especially as this has been described as a wasteful failure for quite some time by many sources.
But the neat thing is that now it doesn’t even matter because even if the damn thing was fantastic we don’t want it anyhow. You don’t let your biggest national security threat supply you arms. That’s just stupid.
So yeah you’re probably right. But either way we decline.
Yeah, but hold in your mind for a second how much windows 11 sucks, inject it with trillions of cancerous military industrial complex bloat dollars and top it with Stelantis touchscreen jeep ads and that will give you an idea of how much of a piece of shit the jet is.
Don’t get me wrong, along a lot of metrics it is a competitive advanced stealth-y fighter, but it is also just the most headachingly stupid overly wasteful arms project literally in history, ever.
The F35 is such a failure of wise resource allocation that no future military performance could possibly redeem it since that degree of stunningly large investment in virtually anything else would have yielded incomprehensibly more wealth, power and functional machines.
Every hour an F35 flys is so expensive it can’t do enough in that time to make the investment of resources to keep it from falling apart worth it. The mission has already failed by any reasonable metric the minute you turn the F35 on.
Many of us are not informed well enough to really understand if the negativity surrounding the F35 is accurate. There’s a lot of technicality and conflicting information and biases that a layperson kinda gets lost in it.
To be honest you paint a compelling picture and I’m inclined to believe it, especially as this has been described as a wasteful failure for quite some time by many sources.
But the neat thing is that now it doesn’t even matter because even if the damn thing was fantastic we don’t want it anyhow. You don’t let your biggest national security threat supply you arms. That’s just stupid.
So yeah you’re probably right. But either way we decline.