I’m wondering what everyone else thinks is in our future as Canadians?

Do we think Trump is going to be stupid enough to try to invade Canada or redraw border lines?

Will the trade war continue for years or will Trump wuss out like last time?

We we continue to buy US products after they’ve now screwed us a second time?

I know I’m in the camp that whatever happens, I’m planning on completely excluding the USA from my life as much as possible.

  • CircaV@lemmy.ca
    9 hours ago

    I am SO down for this. And I firmly believe Canadians need to excise the American invader cultural hegemony from ourselves. The boycott has to extend to digital services and cultural services. I was only signalling that if govt starts outright banning US media, while I personally would be fine with it, it’s likely a very bad sign of things to come (ie, an actual military invasion incoming).