Hey gang, I’m on the fence about ordering a Prusa Core One. I have a mk3 and love it but I’m ready for an upgrade. Anyone here have any experience with a Voron 2.4 though?
Right now I have the mk3 and a Kobra Max. The Max is OK for big stuff and I could pass on the mk3 if I got the One. But I could probably get by with just a 300x300 Voron.
My concern is that is it more a project than a go-to printer? I got a lot of that out of my system with my first printer, an AnetA8. That was more upgrading and tuning than printing. It was fun and I learned a whole lot, and I recommend a path like that to anyone interested in doing more than plug and print. But at this point I have more interest in printing than tinkering. And I still get a lot of that with the Max anyway.
But a core xy that’s 300x300 does have an appeal. And the Vorons are pretty sexy looking too.