She’s occasionally called: Scootybutt, Scooterella, Scoots, Scootyscoots*, Scuttles, Scuttlebutt, Scoutster (only ever used by my mom lol), Scootypuff Senior (a la Futurama, but she’s too old to be Junior. Scooty is 12.)
(*Edit: I should add that when using this one, it’s always pronounced as “ScootySCOOOOOOOOOOOTS” in imitation of our friend who coined this while drunk.)
We pretty much only call her Scout at the vet
I’ll add a picture when I get another break from work
Edit: pic tax
Looking guilty after I caught her licking a plastic bag
Asking for attention/if she can steal my chocolate croissant
We also have a Scout. We also call him Scoochy, Scoutabout, Scootums, and You-Motherfucker. He’s orange and only uses his brief braincell time for evil. He once turned the gas stove on by himself.
Who 99% of the time is Scooty.
She’s occasionally called: Scootybutt, Scooterella, Scoots, Scootyscoots*, Scuttles, Scuttlebutt, Scoutster (only ever used by my mom lol), Scootypuff Senior (a la Futurama, but she’s too old to be Junior. Scooty is 12.)
(*Edit: I should add that when using this one, it’s always pronounced as “ScootySCOOOOOOOOOOOTS” in imitation of our friend who coined this while drunk.)
We pretty much only call her Scout at the vet
I’ll add a picture when I get another break from workEdit: pic tax
Looking guilty after I caught her licking a plastic bag
Asking for attention/if she can steal my chocolate croissant
“Helping” me work from home
We also have a Scout. We also call him Scoochy, Scoutabout, Scootums, and You-Motherfucker. He’s orange and only uses his brief braincell time for evil. He once turned the gas stove on by himself.
Scoutabout and Scootums are both VERY good, we might have to start using those! 😁