A Facebook group for Cybertruck owners is full of videos and photos of passersby and other drivers flicking them off, leaving notes that say “WHAT’S ELON’S CUM TASTE LIKE?,” and “NAZI CAR,” and people kicking their cars, throwing slices of cheese at it, etc.
They’re all masochists. I’ve never seen a group that wants to be oppressed more than conservatives. Their lives revolve around bullshit perceived aggrievement.
Fancy way to call people stupid
It’s a unique kind of stupid that deserves recognition.
Christian conservatives are the worst of them all. Their entire society is steeped in their religion; it’s literally unavoidable, despite the first amendment being very clear. If the US has a culture, it would heavily overlap with Christianity.
And yet they have convinced themselves that they are being oppressed. Because someone dared to challenge their obviously unconstitutional bullshit. It’s so pathetic.
My Catholic in-laws voted for Trump in 2020 because Biden, a Catholic, was going to outlaw catholicism.
There’s no hope for these people.
…he voted for the people who dont recognise the head of his religion?! As a former catholic myself, wow, he is a stupid one, hope the one person threw which they are your inlaws isnt as bright as them
You mean the woke pope? Apologies for inflicting an ai summary upon you but it does sum it up quite well. A lot of catholics really don’t like Francis.
A lot of core concepts in Christianity are incompatible with being white in America. It’s a religion for the oppressed being practiced by the oppressors. They’re the Pharisees. It takes a lot of mental gymnastics to figure out how to see themselves as the lepers and the Jews.