A Facebook group for Cybertruck owners is full of videos and photos of passersby and other drivers flicking them off, leaving notes that say “WHAT’S ELON’S CUM TASTE LIKE?,” and “NAZI CAR,” and people kicking their cars, throwing slices of cheese at it, etc.
Just wanted to say that the hate on American cheese is unjustified. American cheese is just cheddar that has been heated to 170f (iirc) for long enough to kill bacteria and make it shelf-stable. They add an emulsifier (again, iirc) to help it bind better and have a more pleasant texture.
All other criticisms of America are valid, but the cheese doesn’t deserve the hate it gets.
Honestly if you ever tasted anything else than cheddar and mozzarella, you know that americans cheese is something else. I’m willing to bet you could leave some slices in a forest and no animal would touch it.
It’s cheddar and Colby Jack with some emulsifiers to make them mix better, that’s about it
Kraft singles have preservatives in them so they’re großer for sure, but that’s not the only kind of American cheese there is
No I DONT know why my keyboard autocorrected that to use the German letter but it’s funny so I’m leaving it as is
I’m sure there’s a lot of good american cheese but I thought this “cheese product” was the subject. I actually enjoy it from time to time, but I can’t bring myself to think of it as cheese. Like cheez weez for example, I like it sometimes, but it’s just a different product in my mind. And man that Halloween orange color… just… who got this idea…why?
I’d go with “rubbery”.
“Pleasant” in the context of what it would be otherwise. My understanding is that, without the emulsifier, it would be crumbly and kinda chalky, and not hold a form very well.
I’m sorry, but have you never had actual Cheddar?
They missed that American is a mix of cheddar and Colby Jack, so it’s not easy to mix the 2 without an emulsifier
IMHO, it has three purposes:
If your Kraft singles are too precious, I think the Dollar Tree brands stray even further from gods light.
wtf would you put that on apple pie? Pie deserves a nice sharp white cheddar
Wait wtf you put American cheese on your apple pie?!?
Are you from the US? I’ve never heard of that, and honestly I’m horrified and intrigued
There’s a joke/urban myth that it’s the law in Wisconsin that restaurants have to serve a slice of cheese with apple pie.
We did used to have a law that oleo (margarine) had to be sold undyed, which made it a sickly-looking blue-ish white. This was to protect the state’s dairy industry. Only butter could be yellow. People near the borders used to bootleg yellow margarine back across the border from other states. The law was dealt a mortal blow when one of our state representatives publicly took a blind taste test in order to prove that butter was better…
…and failed. His family had been worried about his health, and was surreptitiously substituting yellow margarine for butter in their meals. (In an amusing historical twist, now that we know about the danger of transfats, we know that butter is indeed better.)
I think it might be an “older people in the south” thing. (Like all boomers and older I’ve talked to about it know about it, usually not younger) I worked at a diner for a bit, and it would be Silent Generation types that would order it.
It’s pretty good, but real cheddar would be better. It’s that similar salty/sweet combo that makes French fries and a McFlurry better than sex.
i heard of it as kid on some cooking show on PBS in the 90s. I thought it was super weird, but my mom had heard of it. Except it was cheddar cheese, not american. I tried it and thought it was pretty good, so i bring it up when people talk about apple pie. it never fails to weird them out if they’ve never tried it!