Rather than turn it off, jack up the cost by 25% with the line item Trump Tariffs in larger bold letters. Add another 25% and another line item called Democracy Tax while they’re at it.
Hit them in the pocketbook.
i hope canada does it. i live in a state where my bill would go up dramatically too as we get power from canada when the water is low and slow. all the republicans here can FAFO. Ill put in the extra hours at work idgaf. i just hope it wakes people up
As a US citizen and Canada/Ukraine/EU/democracy supporter; I pray someone or some group finally takes off all kiddie gloves and gives trump (and thereby me and others in the country as collateral) a divine smackdown to finally make that fucker or at least those close to him realize the world and history won’t stand for his/their fascist putin titty-sucking antics.
Also pro democracy US citizen.
I live in the only part of the lower 48 that is not directly connected to the American electric grid. Northern Maine gets 100% of its power routed through Canada, with the majority coming from Point Lepreau Nuclear Generating Station in New Brunswick.
If Canada stopped providing electricity, there will be 70,000 people without power in the middle of winter with no recourse.
A majority of my neighbors voted for Trump. FAFO.
I pray someone or some group finally takes off all kiddie gloves and gives trump (and thereby me and others in the country as collateral) a divine smackdown
Bwahahaha! So not what I expected.