Many people consider him calling that cave explorer a pedo guy to be the start of him going publicly crazy, which happened in June 2018 (ymmv depending on how much or how little you paid attention). The Cybertruck design was revealed and reservations started being taken in November 2019.
I think the initial down payment phase was after he bought Twitter but before the recent election stuff. The delivery was certainly after he went full crazy, so it was a question of losing I think a $5k down payment
Didn’t they come out after he went publicly crazy?
Many people consider him calling that cave explorer a pedo guy to be the start of him going publicly crazy, which happened in June 2018 (ymmv depending on how much or how little you paid attention). The Cybertruck design was revealed and reservations started being taken in November 2019.
I think the initial down payment phase was after he bought Twitter but before the recent election stuff. The delivery was certainly after he went full crazy, so it was a question of losing I think a $5k down payment