Along with everything Khalil said we also need to remember (or for thise who dont know already, learn)that the attacks against Palestinian rights advocates that aim to paint the support of resistance organizations as the support of violent terrorists are rooted in ignorance and falsehoods. As international law dictates; resistance to colonial occupation is an inherent right to indigenous populations including armed struggle

The reality is there was no such thing as islamic extremist “terrorism” before middle eastern resistance groups started intertwining marxist ideas to their resistance movements sometime in the 1960’s long after the creation of IsNOTrael as a nation stare.

This nation state was founded upon terrorism funded by a family of central bankers who have for the last century very cleverly used PR agencies and campaigns to cleanse the blood from their hands and paint anyone who dares criticize them as “antisemites”

Theodore Herzel, one of if not the most prominent founders of the zionist state of IsNOTrael went to the patriarch of this family and asked for a loan of 15 million(2.4 billion in today’s money) and they refused because why would they pay for this land when they could leverage their wealth and use the british empire(which they already owned or at the very least had under their thumb, to steal the land from the ottomans for their cause) It was sometime after this proposition by herzel, 1922 to be specific, at the end of the first world war when British prime minister Balfour signed the balfour agreement which verbally y the UK’s intent to creating a home-state for zionists and subsequently gifting this land to this family that for all Intents and purposes was more powerful than the British empire itself, that the British empire took control of Palestine renaming it “British mandate Palestine” for the time being.

This event triggered a ceaseless barrage of Zionist terrorism by 4 main paramilitary groups. The Irgun, Hagannah, Palmach and Lehi(or stern gang) were responsible for dozens if not a hundred or more violent attacks, riots, race mobs, assassinations and heists. Killing somewhere between 5000/8000 Palestinian christians, jews, muslims/arabs, even American and British citizens as well as British infantry. Before the British empire relinquished control of the annexed territory in 1948 giving full control of the land to these violent racist extremists.

Now they made a show and publicly denounced these paramilitary groups as terrorists while also welcoming them with open arms into the newly formed IDF, IAF and Mossad. Many of the high ranking members within their ranks today had family members who were directly involved with these groups such as Bibi Netanyahu himself.

So remember the next time a zionist looks down at you from their high horse and calls you a terrorist sympathizer that not only is the term “terrorist” an ignorant epithet used to minimize the efforts of freedom fighters and empower the oppressors but that before zionist terrorism there was no such thing as middle eastern radical islamic terrorism. There are several well written historically accurate pieces written examining this fact.