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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: December 20th, 2024


  • Neo liberals are sabotaging themselves and everyone else by blaming voters for not getting behind tepid astro turfed right leaning centrist corporatism.

    You all need to wake up and realize our presidential elections are likely just as compromised by money as the rest of our political system. There are 14 traits of fascism and both parties blatantly exhibit 13 of those traits with fraudulent elections being the only trait they can claim the corruption of is plausible deniable. All you thinking that the ideals of democracy haven’t been corrupted to the same point everything else has because of hurrrr durrrr democracy and “murican eyedeeeuhhhlissum” are living in an idealistic delusion. The system has proven it will not be remedied through its own mechanisms and that those with power have subverted those very mechanisms to prevent any meaningful change which means the only way forward is revolution.

    Neo liberal western democracy vehemently opposes economic democracy and any movement to the left. This makes it completely undemocratic and an ultimate defacto class dictatorship. But cleverly disguised pr masquerading as unbiased journalism owned by wall street military and prison industry profiteering billionaires have convinced you the house isn’t actively burning when it obviously is.

  • They are desperately obvious and its cringe. They were in full blast damage control censorship mode even before december 4th. I was VPN banned last summer just for saying that occupied indigenous people have a right to resist occupation by any means necessary as per international law in regards to palestine and IsNoTreal. So far ive jot been able to evade the ban even with a vpn. Wall street military and prison industry profiteers have become too confident and comfortable.

  • “Get bent” typical neo liberal response. Instead of realizing leftists are right and have been right since the DNC subverted democracy the first time in 2016 you just point the finger at people who wont get in line and support decrepit status quo centrism. At a time when its not even worth having a job anymore and rent prices for a 1 bedroom apartment take up 60-75% of the wages that 2/3 of millennials and gen z earn thinking that voting for a party that ignores these issues is what america needs is just ignorant. The system has made it obviously clear it will not allow remedy through its own mechanisms so we are at an impasse and the only way to fix things is now obviously mass organized political 🎻 🎻 / revolution. Those whoare too comfortable or too brainwashed to stop participating in a society that have failed them need to wake up and pull their head out of the sand. Doing what you and or your parents have done since this started with reagan (it started during nixon but there was far more resistance in the late 60’s/early 70’s than there is now) is not going to get any different results and believing it will is just peak neo liberal delusion. So you all need to swallow your pride and come to the conclusion that we are right. The dnc is funded and controlled by the same corporate wall street military and prison industry profiteering billionaires that fund and control the right wing MAGA politicians. They refuse to move left and instead lick the boot of blatantly fascist campaigns since fascism doesnt threaten capital and that is preferential to them.

    Do some reading and figure it out. Neo liberal Western democracy is inherently opposed to economic democracy and this means that it is not democratic in any way and is in fact a class dictatorship.

  • Neo liberals have their head so far up their ass they don’t understand that a party that pretends to be the good guys while still enforcing a racially prejudiced war on drugs to bolster a militarized police state and send mostly poor brown people into modern concentration/forced slave labor camps is defacto fascist. The American democratic party in any other developed country is considered a center right party. Leftism (the true antithesis of fascism)in the usa is vehemently suppressed by the party cosplaying as leftists. When the citizens ask for fair wages fair housing fair anything resembling economic democracy they are shit on and told to go fuck themselves by both parties the dems just wave a pride flag and post #BLM while they do it because their expensive PR firm consultants tell them it looks good

  • I like how zionists ignore the reality thst israel was founded on right wing zionist extremism. For decades the Irgun Hagannah, Palmach and Lehi waged a campaign of terror funded with the money of a certain central banking family whom you cant mention without being called AnTiSeMiTiC. These violent terrorist paramilitary organizations murdered between 6-8000 palestinian jews muslims and christians as well as british occupying infantry before 1948 when the newly formed government of israel condemned them as terrorists while simultaneously granting them pardons and membership into their newly formed military and intelligence apparatus. They were responsible for Countless riots assassinations bombings like the most famous one the bombing of the king david hotel that killed over 100 innocent people. There was NO islamic extremism before the 1960’s it was a response to the original terrorism of zionists. So keep on licking that boot. Maybe you’re getting paid to spread this disinformation otherwise youre just ignorant as all fuck

  • Its easier for them to blame voters than accept the reality that the whole system is corrupted by money and neo liberal western democracy is broken as is and without economic democracy (which is what democrats spent their efforts thwarting the last 3 election cycles) what it actually is, is a class dictatorship. Democrats sabotaged sanders not once hut twice because they had nothing to lose shooting themselves in the foot and betraying the working class, they preferred a far right fascist since fascism does not threaten capital. So they did whatever possible to prevent an administration thet wojld resemble FDR in any way and give their billionaire donors the win they paid for.

    Now neo liberal right leaning centrists cosplaying as leftists just sit there and toe the party line by blaming people who will not support defense contractor astro turfed corrections industry corporatists of wall street due to blatant ideological failures and contradictions. Voting for a party to ensure that 10% fewer Palestinians will die by American bombs while we ignore the wage stagnation to the point of wage slavery and unaffordable housing crisis but consider it a win because we vote for meaningless virtue signaling sell outs is pure delusion.

    Blaming voters instead of those in power for the systems failures is the same logic of those who blame any Palestinian organization instead of the fascist regime armed to the teeth with billions of dollars in high tech ordinance and surveillance equipment who have been allowed to ignore international law and have a secret illegal nuclear program since the 1970’s. Its dellusional. We have a gross failure of policy and ideology in the democratic party and yall need to wake the fuck up and realize this instead of allowing your comfortable complacency to further empower the leaches controling things behind the scenes and falling victim to their clever PR manipulations.

  • The democrats sabotaged the popular candidate not ONCE but TWICE because they were beholden to billionaires and their party leadership clearly was more supportive to the idea of a far right fascist than allowing their party to move even a millimeter to the left. You neo lib boot lickers have your heads so far up the asses of war mongering wall street billionaires you cant even see that the obviously visible puppet strings to both parties lead to the same hands. Its sad, you won’t even stop blaming voters and collaborate to do something about this mess with actual leftists ready to work for change, You are just so delusional you keep sitting there with your thumb up your ass blaming working class people for not supporting a party that has shit on working class people and refused to do anything meaningful anytime they have held power since the fucking 80’s. What a joke.

  • exploitedamerican@lemm.eetoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldPretty much
    2 months ago

    I don’t want religious institutions near healthcare. Imposing attitudes of abstinence only moral puritanism on others. Thats not medicine. Like the WHO said 7 almost 8 years ago drug use needs to be globally decriminalized to remove attitudes of discrimination from health care settings. And at the time then nobody foresaw roe v wade being knocked back and turning the clock of social progress back 5/6 decades+ i wish j could say things cant get any worde but they can and they will. So we don’t need the people making things worse involved in the administration of medical care. We already have too many religious bigots with hoarded wealth whispering in the ear of the dumbest moron on the planet who has control of the nuclear football. And healthcare is already bastardized by the incentives of shareholder profits and the vultures of the for profit insurance industry whos sole purpose is tk deny people adequate health care to boost profits whenever possible so lets not shove religion down the throats of people who are often denied basic dignities.