• SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca
    1 day ago

    That’s a fantasy and none of that is going to happen. We may as well talk about scenarios where Canada peacefully annexes the US if we’re making things up.

    Canada is not going to vote for being part of the US. Canada is not isolated, we’re not the country screwing over allies, that’s the US doing that. If your scare quotes around “voted for” implies a non-legitimate election, exactly who is going to be running those non-legitimate election in Canada? Are you referring to the sham elections Russia holds in occupied parts of Ukraine? That only happens because it’s under military occupation by Russia. For there to be sham elections in Canada, the US would have to invade Canada to make that happen.

    There is no scenario where Canada will be annexed by peaceful means. Canada has rejected all discussion on annexation. Talk of annexation are therefore threats of war now.

    • wampus@lemmy.ca
      1 day ago

      And yet the CBC is explicitly reporting on Smith as threatening a National Unity crisis.

      Look, it took a while for people to wake up to the fact that Donald Trump “meant it” when he said crap, because what he was saying sounded so far out there. There’s no reason to think differently of any politician, if they’re saying really dangerous shit. A national unity crisis is basically saying she wants out of Canada if her demands aren’t met And she has the support of ‘most’ Albertans, apparently, cause they voted her in, and her party still supports her and her actions. Like even if there’s no ‘recall’ option for her as an MLA, if her party didn’t want to follow the crap she’s saying they could all just stop voting for her crap. Albertans aren’t openly calling for her to get dethroned / booted. To think that they would not, potentially, vote to leave – and/or not stoop to the level of dirty tricks like what we see in the states (Elon’s reportedly paying people again in some election to skew the vote, and gettin away with it) – is naive in my view.

      If someone had said 10 years ago that the USA would be talking about annexing Canada, we would have called that a fantasy / no way it’d ever happen. But here we are.