Reincarnated as a Sword - Volume 06 to 08
I kept with sword this week. I was sick for a few days so got more reading done.
High Points -
- Black lightning princess
- Goddess of Chaos
- Seedruns 3rd Princess
- Old Kiaria
- The Author finally managed to avoid writing an after word
Low Points -
Tournament Spoilers - Amanda the…
Amanda the Child Killer (Killing Fran in the Tournament), She loves children so much she would go through the pain of killing them to protect them.
Reincarnated as a Sword - Vol.06 - Chapter 7
The Beastman Nation was full of fluffy ears. I would love to check it out.
They Don’t Know I’m Too Young for the Adventurer’s Guild: Volume 1 - Really strong first volume. The side characters have a real personality and quirks, their own agenda, wishes, and dreams. MC is likable and looking through his eyes I, as the reader, get some of the sense of wonder and adventure as him (even though the world-building itself is just from the usual, basic fantasy kit). If someone likes character-driven fantasy with a realistic (read, non-overpowered) MC then I highly recommend this LN.
Imperial Reincarnation: I Came, I Saw, I Survived Volume 1 - Terrible writing style. Reminds me of Finding Avalon with a world-building info dump that feels more like disoriented rambling without any correlation to what’s happening in the story or where it’s going. And then the same info dump gets repeated when there’s a chapter from a different character’s POV. Roughly 90% of the info dump is unrelated to the situation at hand. In contrast to finding Avalon though it doesn’t get better throughout the volume. The shitty info-dump writing style continues and just switches to new topics once the earlier topics have been exhausted. Dropped after 60%.
Death March to the Parallel World Rhapsody, Vol. 23 - Satou takes a step back to let the party gain some independence. At the same time, he somehow became an employee of a small shop selling adventurer tools and gear. I wish they had taken the time to at the very least spend a paragraph or so on how that came to be after just offering to help out for a bit at the beginning. Feels like there’s missing a bit there between helping out and somehow working there as a live-in-employee. But there are 3 cute hamster-kids so it’s all good. On the other hand, no Karion and Urion which is a letdown.