Also, she might say she’s all that, but she ain’t.
Is this the milk for the khorne flakes?
This seems like more of a Slaanesh type thing to be honest
Lord Dumuzi: look at this tablet this total babe sent me
???: dumuzi you don’t have a gf
Lord Dumuzi: no i totally do, she wants me to fill her churn with honey cheese
???: no girl would ever chisel that. You made your scribe do that
Lord Dumuzi: maybe they wouldn’t chisel that to you, but i’ve had lots of babes tell me to fill their churn with honey cheese.
???: ok who is she then?
Lord Dumuzi: uhh you don’t know her… she goes to another ziggurat
Is this real?
Edit: apparently it’s real, folks
So for any one else wondering, I went looking for receipts and it seems to check out. Source material claims to be affiliated with the University of Oxford. The database is difficult to navigate, but i was able to find this link to the 4.08.16 english text.
Even as someone who is way out of depth, the database is interesting to explore.
It’s honestly astounding how many cuneiform tablets (and fragments of tablets) we have. Multiple ancient libraries full of tablets have been excavated. Now cuneiform was just a system of writing like our Latin alphabet, so they are in all sorts of languages, but we know so much more about those cultures than others of the time because they were writing on clay, then they baked the clay. That makes it last.
Good morning lemmy….
(Unzips pants)