If you banned private vehicle use in cities without sufficient transit, overnight such transit would, as if by magic, suddenly appear. Private bus services are a thing.
if you drive a car, you’re guilty of reckless endangerment, if not manslaughter. you are trying to kill me. nothing is unjustified in self defense, and if you’re moving, it’s not pre-emptive.
This times 1000 any dense cities with sufficient transit should be car free.
That’s an unnecessary qualifier. Cities without sufficient transit should also be car free – and get sufficient transit.
Difference is that some metros are a car centric hellscape
If you banned private vehicle use in cities without sufficient transit, overnight such transit would, as if by magic, suddenly appear. Private bus services are a thing.
@WoodScientist @buzz86us I wouldn’t advocate doing it in that order, but you are right.
and those are private vehicles, commercial as their use may be.
if you drive a car, you’re guilty of reckless endangerment, if not manslaughter. you are trying to kill me. nothing is unjustified in self defense, and if you’re moving, it’s not pre-emptive.