Be prepared against data loss and data theft. March 31st is the day to back up and better protect your data.
What is a backup?
A backup is a copy of all your important files — for example, your family photos, home videos, documents and emails. Instead of storing it all in one place (like your computer or smartphone), you keep a copy of everything somewhere safe.
But why should I backup?
Losing your files is way more common than you’d think.
One small accident or failure could destroy all the important stuff you care about.
See also the 3-2-1 rule:
What Is the 3-2-1 Backup Rule?
The 3-2-1 backup rule is a simple, effective strategy for keeping your data safe. It advises that you keep three copies of your data on two different media with one copy off-site. Let’s break that down:
Three copies of your data: Your three copies include your original or production data plus two more copies.
On two different media: You should store your data on two different forms of media. …
One copy off-site: You should keep one copy of your data off-site in a remote location, ideally more than a few miles away from your other two copies.
Their suggested setup is 1 your primary computer, 2 one external hard drive backup, and then 3 some offsite “cloud”. A lot of people don’t like certain “cloud” policies so you may have to find the right one. You could also drop a hard drive somewhere away from home for storage.
It’s important to back data up regularly, but this “world backup day” effort is to encourage people to at least do it annually to start and to hopefully encourage getting in to the habit of regular backups.
Thoughts on backups?