Apparently it really is the case that anyone who isn’t white is somehow unqualified.

    4 days ago

    All those thimgs, and more, are on the agenda.

    Your “Trail of Tears 2” reference? Consider this:

    America has the highest incarceration rate in the world. The average maximum security prison holds about 800-1200 people. The largest prison, in Angola, LA, holds about 8300, more than 7x larger than average.

    Now the MAGA Nazis are building a facility in Guantanamo Bay, CUBA, that will house 30,000 people, which is almost 4x larger than Angola, which is already 7x larger than average.

    Even the Torture Prison in El Salvador is smaller, at 20,000. The MAGA Nazis want to build the biggest nastiest prison in the Western Hemisphere on a black site in a hostile foreign nation, far from the prying eyes of the media or the courts.

    Who do the MAGA Nazis plan on putting in a facility that large? They have already established that anyone who is designated a Terrorist can be detained without Due Process - no lawyer, no judge, no court appearances, no trial. You just get sent to anywhere in the world they feel like sending you.

    And now they are saying that anyone who protests Tesla is a Terrorist. In the future, anyone who protests anything will be a terrorist. If you vocally oppose giant corporations, you are a Terrorist. If you support a boycott, you are a Terrorist. Write a critical post on social media, wear a t-shirt, demand your right to vote, defend yourself against MAGA Marauders, etc, and you will be designated a Terrorist. Even just living a life that they think is counter to their concept of an ideal society - gay, Liberal, non-Christian, educated, self-employed, etc. will eventually be given the Terrorist designation. Even just registering as anything but a Republican will get you designated as a Terrorist. Not that it matters, there won’t be any elections anyway.

    In the future, they won’t care about crime, unless it is directed at the wealthy. Their primary law enforcement efforts will be against the 70% of Americans they will designate as Terrorists.