So, I made a comment on the ‘two goobers’ community of, moderated by Bubs.
I gave a rather cynical, but nonetheless accurate imo description of a particular comic, explaining that it showed an overly lovey dubby relationship that was likely doomed to failure.
Made some more comments explaining my reasoning, ended up getting into some arguments as two users seemed genuinely sceptical, and one of them very defensive, about the idea that CPTSD is usually caused by abusive narcissists when it isn’t caused by ongoing, severe material deprivation, such as being very poor, homeless, or living in a war zone.
As of time of writing this, my first comment was the most popular in the thread, something like 45 up, 5 down, and I have been banned from the community, almost the entire comment chain has been nuked, no explanation has been seemingly given for the deletion of any comments, unless my view or understanding of modlogs is somehow borked, though I am apparently banned (indefinitely?) for Rule 1: No Abusive Language.
I can maybe see how a few of the latter comments could veer into being interpreted as ‘abusive language’.
… But the entire comment chain?
The two I was arguing with used language about the same level of ‘abusive’ as myself.
They don’t appear to be banned though, just had their comments removed.
… I … don’t really care about being banned from an apparent hugbox community that has a single mod, but just from a point of … attempting some kind of professionalism, maybe Bubs could have just deleted the specific comments they found to be ‘abusive’, sent all involved a clarifying DM about that, not just jump straight to a ban?
I dunno.
I hereby submit this to the tribunal for public commentary.
Here’s the link to’s modlog
EDIT: It looks like a whole bunch of at least my removed comments are not even showing up in the modlog.
I… don’t know if thats because of some technical issue?
I had a bit of a tit for tat with both Ocultoconoclast and Count Regal Inkwell, and you can see their removed comments in the mod log, but my one for one responses are not even showing up as removed in the modlog, though they are all removed/‘deleted by moderator’ when I go through my own comment history.
You said I did something that I did not do, respond to someone’s personal story, and you said that I was mocking, which, while that was not my intention, seems to have been interpreted as such.
Hence I felt the need to correct the factual error, and give more context to explain my intent… not sure if you are saying I intended to mock, or if what I said could be interpreted as mockery, or both.
Regardless, I do appreciate the feedback.