But it tastes like shit.
I appreciate how even the meme template has been European-ized.
Kofola is great. Especially from the tap.
https://kofola.cz/en/ nice babushka, btw
For context: kofola is a czecho/slovakian drink. I’m not european but god damn that looks so good…
It has a very acquired taste: liquorice, anis (main Ouzo ingredient), and some other herbs I’m not sure of. It’s sweet, but just the right amount. I like it, but there’s many people who dislike the taste. If you have the chance, try it :)
I’m pretty sure it’s just about impossible to get your hands on it here (unless you live in turkiye or syria, those are close to europe so should be easier?) but that sounds good honestly. If i ever go to europe i’ll 100% try it. Fat chance, but if i ever do. Thanks for describing the taste btw
As far as I know you can only get it in Slovakia and Czech Republic (maaaybe Poland, but not so sure about that one) Source: am from Slovakia, but living in Nordic country now.
You can get it in small European shops in both UK and Canada, but also in one particular large supermarket in Canada
Not that it helps in your specific case, but just saying…
That sounds really good… Wish I could get in the US to try now
Thanks for the recommendation, one more thing to look forward to when I visit Prague in May :)
To be honest you got my attention.
By what you described i feel like adding a bit of gentian to it it would make a decent cocktail
Alright, fine! I’ve given in and ordered some. Thank goodness there are some shops in the UK that stock it.
Cocta fans assemble!
I need to taste Cocta before I die
Cocta is actually really good. It’s fundamentally like any other cola, but with mild herbal aftertaste which is really nice and refreshing. I need to try Kofola tho. I was in Czechia few years ago, if I knew I need to try it I’d look for it back then.
Back in the nineties I was on holiday in the city Mêlník Czech Republic, and I was drinking Citro Cola there and fondly remember the lemony cola.
Coke with a splash of lemon tastes nothing like it, you get closer to the taste of Citro Cola by adding 40ml lemon juice to Coke but then it’s too acidic.
Lately I was checking out Czech webshops and found they sold Citro Cola syrup but not anymore.
Does anyone from the Czech Republic know if you still can get Citro Cola?
Any alternatives for Pepsi?
Vita Cola
Lidl cola, it tastes almost as bad as Pepsi
It tastes great! I always recommend it as a Czech refreshing drink to my friends from abroad who don’t know it. But i have learned not to compare it with Cola anymore. Its not a cola alternative. It has its own unique and delicious taste. The only thing that it has similar to coke is the color and fizzyness. Tastewise it is superior to Cola in my opinion because it is not so sweet. And it tastes much more of herbs.
When i advertise it as coke-like to friends from abroad they just seem to think this is shitty coke. When you say look this is a super refreshing drink that tastes a bit of herbs and it is pretty unique in its taste, they tend to be pleasantly surprised.
It’s nice, but it tastes different to coke.