Femboys are boys who dress, act, and/or look feminine.
Trans girls are girls who were assigned male at birth and identify as girls.
I hope this clears up any misconceptions on the subject.
Femboys are boys who dress, act, and/or look feminine.
Trans girls are girls who were assigned male at birth and identify as girls.
I hope this clears up any misconceptions on the subject.
i… disagree? surely the only difference is what they identify as?
sounds pretty shitty to only let people qualify as trans when they’ve actually transitioned…
That’s not the message or takeaway from this post, it is that boys can be feminine without being trans.
right but then why define being trans as having transitioned? why not just say
“femboys are boys who dress, act, and/or look feminine. Trans girls are girls who were assigned male at birth and identify as female”
That is a better one and I should’ve written that from the beginning.
Transition can refer to a lot of different things, not just medical transition. if you start to ask others to call you by different pronouns for example that’s a form of social transition even if you’ve only chosen to come out to a few people
edit: To clarify I’m not saying you need to have even done that step to be valid as a trans person, it’s just likely that no one would know you’re trans unless you’ve at least taken that step
sounds like you already know the difference, where’s the disagreement? dudes can be fem without being trans gals
the disagreement is that i think people don’t need to transition to be trans, they just need to identify as a different gender than they were assigned at birth.
i’m trans and i don’t disagree, i’m just confused how you’re getting “pre transition trans girls are femboys” (a statement that i agree is wrong and problematic) out of this meme. people who identify as boys but present femme aren’t trans girls either way, one layer of this meme is about them getting lost in the noise about trans women.
i’m confused how you got that from what i’ve said, as that is specifically not what i’m saying
I think this is a misunderstanding, you and OP both agree on that point. OP just didn’t clarify that pre-transition trans people are still trans in the post lol