The funny thing is that if Trump starts attacking him, it will have the opposite effect in Canada and will win him votes. I wonder if Trump is too braindead to realize that. We’ll see tomorrow.
This American is rooting for Canada.
I trust him to guide the country in the proper direction. Canada is ridiculously, stupidly underestimated.
I wonder if he’s got a plan for how Trump can lose but save face….
I wonder if he’ll be swapping Trudeau’s “let’s get back to being allies” message for a stronger first impression.
Why would we want to let him save face? Let the US collapse and let the world know he did it.
I love our American brothers and sisters, but that’s exactly why thier “democracy” needs to be burned down. They need to rise from the ashes of this hell.
Because this particular angry geriatric toddler has access to a lot of ways to make people suffer on a large scale and delights in the suffering of people. Sure, making him feel miserable feels great, but how many lives are you willing to sacrifice for it?
He’s so selfish and arrogant that catering to his ego will be critical. I think he’d prefer a crummy deal that lets him look good, over a great deal that embarrasses him. He doesn’t care what’s best for the USA long term; he’d rather look good now.
It doesn’t matter if Trump loses. Trump will lie about the outcome and the cult will lap it up.
Guess that depends on your perspective; as a Canadian I have a vested interest in Trump losing. But Trump has a vested interest in being Trump, which includes never admitting defeat. I’d prefer his response not be “Oh yeah? Well I’ve nuked Toronto. Take that!”