This isn’t meant to be hard news that you can bet the farm on. It’s just pointing out the irony of Musk’s toy talking shit about Trump. That’s all.
This isn’t meant to be hard news that you can bet the farm on. It’s just pointing out the irony of Musk’s toy talking shit about Trump. That’s all.
The common “internet atheist” drives me nuts. Such arrogance! Such stubbornness! I will proudly yell “I DON’T KNOW!” from the highest mountaintop, and remain open minded.
Thanks for the YouTube recommendation!
If the entire world dies for any of those reasons, it’s humanity’s own damn fault. There will be nothing supernatural about it. You won’t owe anyone any kind of explanation.
Yeah. I understand how the idea can make people uncomfortable, but there’s a big difference between discomfort and hatred.
Just calm down, folks. Nobody’s going to force surgery or medication on you, okay? Jeez.
raised like veal
This is wonderful
Transphobia has never made any sense to me, a cishet male. It’s like… has it ever occurred to you that different people have different needs? Stop being a hateful transphobic jackass and open your mind a fraction.
Ah. Thank you. I didn’t know that.
That’s a really shitty contract.
Screaming and flailing uselessly while I die. I might have the presence of mind to awkwardly punch backwards once or twice. Might.
Tigers are alpha predators for a reason.
Yeah, but the DHS is taking a massive risk each time they fire someone because of a polygraph. Without other evidence, they will have no legal defense if sued.
Polygraph tests are so unreliable, they’re not even admissible in court.
Not exactly a rock solid case if someone who’s fired decides to sue - which I hope happens frequently.
I guess it’s like racism and other forms of bigotry. Creating a reason to look down on others (even when, deep down, you know it’s bullshit) helps you feel less awful about your own pathetic self.
I’m just hearing the term “wagies” for the first time, and I don’t like it. Workers who deal with obnoxious customers like Anon deserve common courtesy, not a demeaning nickname.
I’m sure this will work exactly as planned, and have no negative consequences whatsoever.
I’m so happy for Anon. I feel kinda silly, but this story made me tear up a little bit.
He’s already hurt the 1% more than years of protests ever could. That might lead to his downfall more than anything else.
I hope she’s at least keeping backups of important data herself. Organizing a movement like this on an oligarch’s website - especially one that has gone out of his way to capitulate to Trump - is just about the worst choice possible.
I wish her the best of luck, although I’m concerned about her decision-making skills.
Thanks In Advance
Anyone who needs this reminder will stubbornly fail to be convinced, pretend to slightly misunderstand you, and use every whataboutism in recorded history.
Good for them - in this one particular situation