Something also not touched on in the article is the HUGE number of ukrainians we have in our country, particularly in the praries. We’re ranked in the top 3 for ukrianians/Ukraine heritage, below Ukraine and Russia.
I’d argue most Canadians are pretty pro-Ukraine, and the US wiffle-waffling on that as well stings deep.
I get it’s ‘the US’ because he was voted in but it’s not the US it’s one fucking moron. Our country bumkins are misinformed idiots that got him to power, yes, but population centers aka well educated folks are blue and we fucking hate every minute of this shit. Hence demonstrations at all state capitols multiple times over the last 2 months.
Idk I’m probably making a moot point. I just can’t stand being thrown in a pile with the current administration, him winning or not, none of this is okay.
Bit tired of hearing this NGL, the problem is with your entire country and frankly that includes casting off the American rural poor as “idiotic country bumkins”. Stuff like that is exactly what will turn them away from your ideals & into the hands of those pointing at the snobbish urban elites looking down at them.
as if telling them otherwise is going to make them suddenly turn them against the right wingers, lol they have been conditioned by propaganda, eg mainly through fox and rush limbaugh for a generations and from birth. there are other factors to consider like heavy voter suppression in the states, that prevent any Dems from winning many elections, nobody is going to hold the hands of REPUBLICANS to vote against thier own party
most of the educated are blue, alot of them are also red, because they fell for the misinformation while growing up, and through the bitterness in lack of career advancement because the major they chose dint lead them to one. i followed some asian tubers once, and they were all college educated, but they turned pretty maga during pandemic and a defensive coping mechanism from being called out for mistreatment of a employment, turns out they were always right wingers and shitty people, when people digged up thier social media/and past how badly they treated thier employees.
the 2 channel owners were college educated, but they are so misinformed on things, and very low info they fell for joe roegan,and shapiro, or whatever right winger was on the time.
Something also not touched on in the article is the HUGE number of ukrainians we have in our country, particularly in the praries. We’re ranked in the top 3 for ukrianians/Ukraine heritage, below Ukraine and Russia.
I’d argue most Canadians are pretty pro-Ukraine, and the US wiffle-waffling on that as well stings deep.
I get it’s ‘the US’ because he was voted in but it’s not the US it’s one fucking moron. Our country bumkins are misinformed idiots that got him to power, yes, but population centers aka well educated folks are blue and we fucking hate every minute of this shit. Hence demonstrations at all state capitols multiple times over the last 2 months. Idk I’m probably making a moot point. I just can’t stand being thrown in a pile with the current administration, him winning or not, none of this is okay.
Bit tired of hearing this NGL, the problem is with your entire country and frankly that includes casting off the American rural poor as “idiotic country bumkins”. Stuff like that is exactly what will turn them away from your ideals & into the hands of those pointing at the snobbish urban elites looking down at them.
as if telling them otherwise is going to make them suddenly turn them against the right wingers, lol they have been conditioned by propaganda, eg mainly through fox and rush limbaugh for a generations and from birth. there are other factors to consider like heavy voter suppression in the states, that prevent any Dems from winning many elections, nobody is going to hold the hands of REPUBLICANS to vote against thier own party
You’re kinda proving my point…
most of the educated are blue, alot of them are also red, because they fell for the misinformation while growing up, and through the bitterness in lack of career advancement because the major they chose dint lead them to one. i followed some asian tubers once, and they were all college educated, but they turned pretty maga during pandemic and a defensive coping mechanism from being called out for mistreatment of a employment, turns out they were always right wingers and shitty people, when people digged up thier social media/and past how badly they treated thier employees.
the 2 channel owners were college educated, but they are so misinformed on things, and very low info they fell for joe roegan,and shapiro, or whatever right winger was on the time.
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