Strawman. Leftists don’t claim Biden single-handedly ushered in fascism. Leftists underline how little Biden did to ensure a winning campaign, as well as how little he did to defend against Trump.
Biden enabled Trump by not stacking courts, not prosecuting trump hard enough, or choosing policy positions based on what would beat trump.
I don’t think the victim here is a leftist. Trucker hat, rolled up sleeves; he’s a working class conservative who’s getting hammered by Trumps policies. He is still blaming Biden against all evidence.
This isn’t about leftists. The guy is dressed like a farmer, who majority voted for Trump. Trump turned around and immediately cut subsidies that small business farmers rely on, so many are now struggling. The comic is saying that they will still blame Biden despite being screwed by Trump. This could also be viewed as shorthand for any trump voter.
In reality, we’ve seen many farmers now communicate that they regret voting for trump. Alittle too little too late, it seems. They aren’t as dumb as the comic artist paints them in that sense, just unempathetic.
Yet people still decided who to vote for & who not to vote against.
People still hold responsibility for their vote or failure to vote: they knew who Trump was.
They’d seen his shit before.
Also, why do you think the guy in the trucker hat is a leftist?
Strawman. Leftists don’t claim Biden single-handedly ushered in fascism. Leftists underline how little Biden did to ensure a winning campaign, as well as how little he did to defend against Trump.
Biden enabled Trump by not stacking courts, not prosecuting trump hard enough, or choosing policy positions based on what would beat trump.
I don’t think the victim here is a leftist. Trucker hat, rolled up sleeves; he’s a working class conservative who’s getting hammered by Trumps policies. He is still blaming Biden against all evidence.
This isn’t about leftists. The guy is dressed like a farmer, who majority voted for Trump. Trump turned around and immediately cut subsidies that small business farmers rely on, so many are now struggling. The comic is saying that they will still blame Biden despite being screwed by Trump. This could also be viewed as shorthand for any trump voter.
In reality, we’ve seen many farmers now communicate that they regret voting for trump. Alittle too little too late, it seems. They aren’t as dumb as the comic artist paints them in that sense, just unempathetic.
Yet people still decided who to vote for & who not to vote against. People still hold responsibility for their vote or failure to vote: they knew who Trump was. They’d seen his shit before.
Also, why do you think the guy in the trucker hat is a leftist?