An Israeli high school student was arrested and questioned by police for doing a Nazi salute during a school trip to Auschwitz, Israeli media reported on Sunday.
The teenager from Kiryat Bialik was on his school’s field trip to Poland when he did the gesture under the entrance sign to the camp.
He was questioned for two hours by Polish police and was fined approximately NIS 1,500 after security guards observed him performing the salute. The museum also captured the incident on its security cameras; the footage was handed over to the police.
Polish police charged him with promoting Nazism, local media reported. Performing a seig heil is illegal in Poland, and carries a potential sentence of up to two years in prison.
Fuck Israel
why is this in ‘not the onion’? just nazis being nazis. whose fucking idea was it to take a literal fucking nazi on a tour of auschwitz anyway?
Personally knowing some young Israeli’s.
A lot of them don’t take the holocaust very seriously and tend to joke about it a lot, (maybe it’s a coping mechanism)? In any case, this is probably a case of an edgy high schooler trying to make their friends laugh.
could be a coping mechanism
it’s not. it’s just a nazi do’in nazi shit.
It’s not that deep. Lots of teenagers do edgy stuff just because it’s edgy and not allowed.
He’ll look back in 10 years cringing about himself.
It’s not that deep. Lots of teenagers do edgy stuff just because it’s edgy and not allowed.
Thank goodness we can arrest them for it.
Could be a coping mechanism. If they took it seriously they would probably have to reflect about the similarities between the Nazis and Israel.
Fuck around and find out
Are they sending their youth to teach them how to deal with Palestinians?
no, they already know that. they can learn from anyone around them. they go to auschwitz to learn the proudest traditions of their people, and why they can never be allowed to fail again.
No need to put a stupid teenager in prison for a longer time for being stupid, but: A day or two behind bars on top of the fine might have had a better educational effect.
Put him in the middle of Gaza with no help and see how funny he finds himself.
Are you suggesting something bad would happen to a teenage Israeli student if he happened to be in the middle of Gaza with no help? Curious.
I took it as “Put him, alone, in the middle of people his country is currently genociding so so he can see the horrors of Genocide, the kind his own people once faced. This should reframe why his Nazi salute was a poor decision.” But I can see how it can be interpreted the other way by looking at the “with no help” part.
He didn’t do it on accident and was fully aware of what he was doing and where he was doing it. Lock that scum up I say.
This is an idiotic teenager and should have no bearing on your opinion of Israel. (I shouldn’t have to say this, but if I don’t somebody will m’accuse: please note that I’m not defending Israel.)
and should have no bearing on your opinion of Israel
The behavior of people from a place actually should impact your opinion on that place
Had it been an American there’d either be no comment like yours or it would have been massively downvoted, food for thought
If it had been an American teenager, I doubt there would have been an article posted at all. But if there had been, I doubt such a comment would be downvoted.
I feel like a similar proportion of teenagers from Israel and America are idiots like this one. I remember many teenagers from my highschool (Canada) who would be this kind of dumb. Based on this, I don’t see why people would react differently to my comment, though maybe it’d come across different if the reader is American, not sure. (I think I’d make the same inference about Canadian high schooler as another country’s though.)
…that said, I do agree with you. I have noticed for instance that Japanese high schoolers in public seem to be incredibly polite compared to Canadian ones. You can make a small inference perhaps about the high schools from a country based on a single point of data like this. But – I don’t think this really says very much about the disposition toward Nazism (of the original German trappings) in the general Israeli public.
My grandfather did not fight in World War II for this shit. I hate this reality.
Ikr? I saw someone post one of those grandfather didn’t fight for this meme and I can help think that he would shoot the guys hold that flag you hugging
Wow, ya know I’ve been joking that Israel is full of Jewish Nazis, but…u hh… damn
Stupid fucking parents letting their stupid fucking kids get raised by the stupid fucking internet. I base this solely on just observation in the news about how “funny” nazi shit has become to edgy teenagers now a days. I also base this on the fact that every time an AI has been released to “learn” from the internet, it comes back a shitty hardcore nazi. I get that kids do stupid shit, but they deserve to find out what’s in store for them with this edge lord garbage.
I’m ranting like an old person now dammit!!!
Remember that Pewdiepie arranging, paying for, and posting separate videos of people holding signs saying “Hitler did nothing wrong”, and “Death to all Jews” were just jokes bro. To an audience of literally tens of millions of kids.
And people here still Stan for him. I’ll take my downvotes now.
I don’t know if it was managed by a PR company or what but he really did “retire” at the absolute perfect time to still continue to exist as a positive image to most of the people who used to watch him. I think if he stuck around even a year longer the drama cycle would have hit him hard.
He’s still a “thing”. People were stanning the cunt just last week for installing Linux on his new gaming PC FFS.
This timeline is a fucking crass joke.
It’s not the Internet’s fault. It’s just the kind of place Israel is now
I understand Nazis are an enemy of the state. But this is a bit too far, a warning is enough.
Performing a seig heil is illegal in Poland, and carries a potential sentence of up to two years in prison.
Just a fine is a warning.
No. Glad they found out.
So a repeat offender who collects Nazi trash should just get a slap on the wrist and be ignored? We here in Austria do it well. First you get a fine and if you do it again you’re going to prison. Exactly where Nazis belong.
Oh was he a repeat offender? If he was, then the punishment was justified.
Fuck nazis. The atrocities they performed… what this kid did… should be death penalty. Yes I’m being serious. This world has no room for nazi bullshit. The only good nazi is a dead one
Fines and jail time is too much I think. I’d vote for a thorough reprimand and maybe cleaning the grounds from trash instead.
Yes, you are the baddies.
Bro saw the American inauguration and the intrusive thoughts kicked in 💀