I wish I didn’t look :(
I wish I didn’t look :(
They’re crawling back out of their holes here again too
But generally I’d say most people don’t care
The trains are great, everything else around them not so much
I rarely play any new ones to be honest so I’m not sure. CP2077 just feels for me like they didn’t stretch out the main story longer than necessary and put a lot of effort into the world and what’s in it.
CP2077’s story is nice but short (for an RPG these days) but the meat is in the world and side missions.
You ever wondered why there are so many Turks in Germany? They rebuilt this country and to this day they are an important and sizeable part of society.
The other one was just a self-serving payout to gather Allies for their Cold War.
Sometimes it just takes a few tries to get used to something
That’s the best choice anyway, buy local to support local business and people
I’ll have you know that we are perfectly capable to march through allied territory… as long as they have well developed infrastructure
The Turks did more for Germany than any US-American so good choice
I remember when we laughed about cope cages. Drones must be incredibly oppressive on the battlefield for both sides by now.
Don’t know, I’m not French myself. Why not Teslas and those big trucks and SUVs? Police cars would probably also do well.
The French usually start with cars
I think my go-to invention would be some kind of bicycle or something that uses a similar mechanism
Ich hab aber noch nie gehört, dass jemand hochmotiviert als Wehrpflichtiger war, eher das Gegenteil.
Na, das kann ja was werden
There are so many layers to this stuff that it would blow this comment way out of proportion. I’d love to tell you about this but it would be so much to write.