I don’t mind supporting authors, but I’d preferably like to avoid supporting DRM. What publishers or authors out there sell their books without DRM?
I’ve been using Weightless Books to get sci-fi magazines like Clarkesworld, and they have a lot more categories.
If you’re interested in audiobooks too, https://libro.fm/ is DRM-free.
Cory Doctorow sells his books DRM-free (e-book and audiobook) on his webpage. Some of them are even pay-what-you-want.
It’s always the sci-fi authors haha
He also writes non-fiction. You might be familiar with the term “enshittification”. He is the author who coined that term.
My favorite word as of recently. Super cool.
In that case you might be interested of his book The Internet Con: How to Seize the Means of Computation.
Appreciate it!
https://www.ebooks.com/en-us/ has a filter when searching for DRM free content.
Tor Books and Baen Books, IIRC. You can get DRM-free Sci-Fi from authors that publish with them.
Most ebooks I read are free out-of-copyright content from Project Gutenberg or freely published stories (e.g. fanfic, web original content) though.
Baen library is pretty great. They have been around for a very long time. They give you all the drm free files for books.
Check out their free library for some free books.
How’s the general quality of the books they publish?
I’m a fan. They give you the full epubs + many other formats you never think about like pdf, html, txt, etc…
Just click on any of the books to give it a shot: https://www.baen.com/categories/free-library.html