Every instance has a reputation. A lot of .ml posters think that .world posters are libs and crypto fascists(if they distinguish between the two). And some folks accuse feddit.nl users of being… Well… Dutch.
I could have sworn I had a screenshot of it, but I’m still looking. But please enjoy this other one I grabbed of .world and .ee users being called bots in the meantime
Every instance has a reputation. A lot of .ml posters think that .world posters are libs and crypto fascists(if they distinguish between the two). And some folks accuse feddit.nl users of being… Well… Dutch.
I suppose they’re not wrong. But I hope I’m not blocked by some people for it
Likely only Austin Powers father.
Lol nahhh .ml says we’re all CIA shills and .world is a CIA front full of bots! Lmao
I haven’t heard that one before, hallucinating again?
You do seem more obsessed with people to your left than anyone to your right, not really beating the crypto fascist allegations
I could have sworn I had a screenshot of it, but I’m still looking. But please enjoy this other one I grabbed of .world and .ee users being called bots in the meantime