Liberta Vidéo est un service de diffusion vidéo ouvert et gratuit à vocation généraliste / Liberta Video is an open and free video broadcasting service with a generalist vocation.
Pfft. That ephemeral claim implies hope in hidden numbers but is pitifully lacking IRL, and slopping that limp dick around is irresponsible at best (meanwhile, signaling to your fellow citizens that maybe you’re not doing so hot, on the inside).
“Many”, in this instance, is a wheezy rallying cry with zero confidence, squeaking up from an impacted minority that wishes their impotence in the face of oppression were anything but.
even MAGA chuds deserve healthcare.
No. They don’t — unless by that you meant “the most efficient, humane kind of EoL healthcare that a dollar can buy”, then by all means.
Pfft. That ephemeral claim implies hope in hidden numbers but is pitifully lacking IRL, and slopping that limp dick around is irresponsible at best (meanwhile, signaling to your fellow citizens that maybe you’re not doing so hot, on the inside).
“Many”, in this instance, is a wheezy rallying cry with zero confidence, squeaking up from an impacted minority that wishes their impotence in the face of oppression were anything but.
No. They don’t — unless by that you meant “the most efficient, humane kind of EoL healthcare that a dollar can buy”, then by all means.