Just sharing an ebook that’s free to download and own. Check your local public domain laws to verify. Enjoy!

“Lieutenant Jefferson Turck is a naval officer from Pan-America, the unified supercontinent and dominant world power of the 22nd Century. Though he is only twenty-one, he is greatly respected by the crew of the aero-submarine Coldwater.”

  • fujiwood@lemmy.worldOP
    2 days ago

    I didn’t realize he wrote The Princess of Mars. Thank you for letting me know.

    I’ll have to look up Caspak. :)

    He also apparently wrote Tarzan too!

      2 days ago

      I have never delved into Tarzan as the general theme just does not appeal to me in the slightest so I always ignored it despite it being his most famous works.

      Caspak is an island within a wall that surrounds one of the poles that contains dinosaurs and sort of lizard creatures. It is kind of like a hollow earth sort of book but instead of being inside the earth it is locked behind this almost impenetrable wall on the surface.

      I am also going to hopefully delve into his Pelucidar books soon too, which is an actual hollow earth story. I’ve always wanted to read them but have never gotten around to it. The series actually has a cross over book where Tarzan visits Pelucidar so that will probably be my first and only Tarzan book!