She moved toward a kitchenette at the back of the room and picked up a knife, holding it to her throat
literally murdered her before she could kill herself. how does any of that make sense.
Suicidal people are more likely to kill someone else (and cops are probably more aware of the “death by cop” suicidal route that often starts with someone shooting at or trying to kill a police officer so they will be killed), so from that lens when she got a weapon and threatened herself, they might have felt threatened themselves and killed her to protect themselves - still, you have to question with how few police fatalities there are whether training police to kill on instinct is a good idea, and this case and many others I think prove it is the worst idea.
right and these super-trained professionals couldnt just shoot her in the leg or attempt a non lethal method. couldnt just leave the apartment and back off… had to shoot to kill.
i just dont buy it.
just shoot her in the leg
Astounding how people still say this shit every day. Cops are not action movie stars, most are barely competent. Just look at all the news reports when 5 cops mag dump someone and fire 100 shots and hit 3. No they can’t just shoot someone in the leg.