Modern voicemail isn’t done on device like it was with an answering machine. Instead of your machine picking up, your telecom provider does, so you’re no longer actually receiving a call, they are. Theoretically you could have it pick up a ring before your telecom does, but then you’d have 2 mailboxes and if you’re offline the call would go to your provider’s box.
This is even the case for landlines nowadays. I had to setup a new phone for a lady and Comcast was snagging the call before her machine would. Had to change it to pickup before they did.
Modern voicemail isn’t done on device like it was with an answering machine. Instead of your machine picking up, your telecom provider does, so you’re no longer actually receiving a call, they are. Theoretically you could have it pick up a ring before your telecom does, but then you’d have 2 mailboxes and if you’re offline the call would go to your provider’s box.
This is even the case for landlines nowadays. I had to setup a new phone for a lady and Comcast was snagging the call before her machine would. Had to change it to pickup before they did.
You can disable the carrier provided voicemail on some phones