For me it was the fact that I would always be slower than everyone else and I would have to put in twice the effort.
There will be a last time we do something in our lives for everything
probably that the majority of people are self serving and extremely fake. it’s pretty insane how many “activists” there are that hate the people they supposedly want to protect.
People are disappointing, even family
Disappointing doesn’t even feel like a strong enough word.
How about disgustipated?
It’s been 9 years, I’m married again (happily), and my ex-wife is never coming back.
It’s difficult to go from best friends who tell eachother everything, to strangers.
It took a lot of therapy for me to realize that we both played a part in our marriage ending, and it wasn’t all my fault. But, I also learned in the process that my childhood really screwed me up, and I needed to deal with it, and reconcile with the fact that I didn’t have a loving childhood. The abuse, both verbal, physical, and sexual has had a lasting effect on me as an adult.
But, most importantly, I learned that I can heal from all of it, and grow as a person.
I think she’s happy now, and so am I. So even though I still miss her once im a while, I know things worked out for the best.
That i wasnt born the opposite gender and that i was born in a transphobic country
Realizing that I’ll never be able to achieve any of my previous hopes or “dreams”, it’s too late, and that life is fundamentally uneven and unfair.
Similarly, realizing there’s no sense of “karma” or balance in real life, it’s just a crutch that people can use to justify or rationalize things.I won’t be a father and possibly not even an uncle.
I’ll never be the same again after my brain injury.
In some ways thats a good thing but Im not 100# sure I’ll get all the walking stuff back exactly