In general, for citizen it’s 103:100 male/female ratio, it’s only when added the whole population, including permanent resident and immigrant, the ratio skewed to 111:100, because there’s more immigrant men coming in to work as blue collar than women. There’s no widespread infanticide happening as far as i can tell, so it’s very likely just happen naturally.
What happened in Qatar is very likely similar situation.
I can only speak for Malaysia. So here’s the news from last year census:'s+male%2C100+females%2C”+he+said.
In general, for citizen it’s 103:100 male/female ratio, it’s only when added the whole population, including permanent resident and immigrant, the ratio skewed to 111:100, because there’s more immigrant men coming in to work as blue collar than women. There’s no widespread infanticide happening as far as i can tell, so it’s very likely just happen naturally.
What happened in Qatar is very likely similar situation.