Some young people today are addicted to random likes from strangers. Its sad but its a consequence of growing up on mobile phones with social media apps.
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Some young people today are addicted to random likes from strangers. Its sad but its a consequence of growing up on mobile phones with social media apps.
There is no wisdom in war.
Athena (goddess of wisdom and war, strange combo).
The US has never liked the french.
Guess they like them even less now. :)
Trump has realized he can get away with saying anything. This is because he is doing it constantly, and it exhausts peoples ability to react after a while.
Its quite dangerous because the population will accept almost anything in the end.
A lot of extra satanic points for this one.
American nightmare is more like it.
I test drove the ioniq 5 and it was the most fun car ive driven. Its like a gocart. :)
I didnt like the design though.
Dont let the City Skylines devs near this… We will have 10 fps. :)
The Volvo EX30 looks good as well but its super plastic and low quality inside. This car will probably follow the same pattern since they need make money on these ones too.
Musk “speeding up” the program. Lol.
Its not age, its your brain being damaged by what you are watching. Tiktok users cant sit still for 30 seconds.
Not a real fact, just making a point about how its changing our brains.
If the western world turns fully towards darkness as it has before during the world wars, the European ideals will get crushed quickly by superpowers on both sides. I cant see Europe being able to defend itself for long if USA goes fully satanic.
If America goes inte fascism, Europe is lost anyway. America will be similar to Russia and China and they will just split up Europe and take it.
Make America satanic again.
Numbers nobody has seen before. Lol.
Every Trump action is appearently the best ones ever made in the history of civilization.
If Jesus would come back, he would be second to Trump in how amazing he is.
We would be very sensible and make good decisions if the media was fair and the schools would be great. Unfortunately we dont live in that society.
I agreed until you said “since I am also”.
Its not alright to judge people for how they look in general. There is plenty of evidence that this guy is a horrible human being without judging his looks.
In fact, the better a person looks, the more power they have over others by default. And the more they get away with, in general. So be careful around good looking people, they should worry you more. :)
And you are not disgusting because you are fat, wtf is wrong with you for thinking that. You have the same value as every other human being. Just because humans are shallow fucks doesnt mean they are right. Its just a flaw in humans to judge others like that. It comes from their animal side.
If you want to not be fat, you go to the gym and you eat better. But thats your choice.
All these fucking guys look the same anyway. :)