Looks like you’re staying at pretty nice hotels in places like SF, NYC and LA. It looks like it’s all included, which isn’t bad at all.
Looks like you’re staying at pretty nice hotels in places like SF, NYC and LA. It looks like it’s all included, which isn’t bad at all.
There are way more states without any death row inmates.
Source: the link you posted
What games are the 5% that need a 5090 to enjoy? I can run any game on the market right now at a minimum 1080p 60fps on my 3060.
Doing it in NG+ isn’t that difficult at all since you already have your stats set and multiple weapons maxed out.
You can complete 90% of everything in one playthrough. Then complete the other parts in NG+ so you’re not completely starting over. I believe you only need 2 great runes to face the end boss.
Elden Ring is an RPG, not sure what you’re saying.
This might be a unpopular view but I think games like Elden Ring or Lies of P are a better RPGs. More action packed, less busy/boring missions. I beat BG3 and had fun for the first half of the game, the last half was a bit of a drag. I tried KCD 1 and couldn’t get into it, going from one end of the map to another doing mindless tasks. It was more of a middle-age simulator. I put ~250 hours into Elden Ring + DLC and I wanted more by the end of it.
Either way, I have some hope for the future of games.
Because the Republican party represents the rich class. Whatever helps the bottom line. I’m absolutely shocked how many middle to lower class people vote for Republicans. They’re literally voting against their own interests. The Democrats need to modify their agenda to be a full fledged worker class party or we’re doomed.
If somebody doesn’t need to play at 4k 60fps doesn’t mean they don’t care about graphics at all.
There are graphics settings in between maxed out and bare minimum for a reason. I guess whatever floats your boat. I couldn’t justify spending 2000 on GPU plus another 1000 on a CPU + monitor just so I can go from 1080p to 4k. Does that mean I don’t care about graphics? No, it just means I don’t value 4k over 1080p at a $3000 price tag. I’m “fortunate” (if that’s what you call wage labor) enough that I could afford it, but it’s just not a priority for me.